Networking seminar of the LIFE BACCATA project on yew plant production

On the 20th of May, the networking seminar of the LIFE BACCATA project on the production of yew was held.The seminar has served as a system for the dissemination of the information generated by the LIFE BACCATA project, as well as for the bidirectional exchange with other interested agents and entities about the interesting results and remarkable know-how that LIFE BACCATA has generated during its execution. This allows the transfer of the results of LIFE BACCATA to other national and international organisations, and therefore its application in other territories or situations, thus contributing to the replicability of the project.
The seminar was attended by 39 participants, from administrations responsible for Natura 2000 and forest management in the different Autonomous Communities of Northern Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Euskadi, Navarra, Castilla y León, Catalonia), as well as from Portugal (ICNF), universities, research centres and ministerial bodies related to the subject, local entities and even individuals. The LIFE BACCATA team has been very satisfied with the participation, as the event has aroused the interest of the audience, probably due to the quality of the speakers and the projects that have been presented.
The event was recorded and is available for consultation below but due to a technical problem beyond our control the first two presentations were not recorded, so we leave the linked presentations for consultation. We apologise for the inconvenience.
- Collection, multiplication, storage and cultivation of yew for habitat restoration 9580*. Javier Ferreiro, IBADER
- Vegetative propagation of Taxus baccata using advanced hormonal techniques as a new environmental and conservation strategy. Eva Lozano-Milo, Esther Barreal and Pedro Pablo Gallego, AgroBiotech for Health.
- Yew as an MRF in Castilla y León: basic materials, plant production from seed and conservation bank. Javier Tranque, Junta de Castilla y León.
- Translocation of Pagoeta yew plants to promote the connectivity of yew groves in Aralar. Javier Pérez, HAZI Foundation.
- Ex situ conservation of yew: nursery propagation as a strategy for the conservation of native plant heritage. António Ferreira and Laura Saloio, Instituto da Conservaçao da Naturaleza e das Florestas, ICNF.
The seminar was attended by 39 participants, from administrations responsible for Natura 2000 and forest management in the different Autonomous Communities of Northern Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Euskadi, Navarra, Castilla y León, Catalonia), as well as from Portugal (ICNF), universities, research centres and ministerial bodies related to the subject, local entities and even individuals. The LIFE BACCATA team has been very satisfied with the participation, as the event has aroused the interest of the audience, probably due to the quality of the speakers and the projects that have been presented.
The event was recorded and is available for consultation below but due to a technical problem beyond our control the first two presentations were not recorded, so we leave the linked presentations for consultation. We apologise for the inconvenience.
- Collection, multiplication, storage and cultivation of yew for habitat restoration 9580*. Javier Ferreiro, IBADER
- Vegetative propagation of Taxus baccata using advanced hormonal techniques as a new environmental and conservation strategy. Eva Lozano-Milo, Esther Barreal and Pedro Pablo Gallego, AgroBiotech for Health.
- Yew as an MRF in Castilla y León: basic materials, plant production from seed and conservation bank. Javier Tranque, Junta de Castilla y León.
- Translocation of Pagoeta yew plants to promote the connectivity of yew groves in Aralar. Javier Pérez, HAZI Foundation.
- Ex situ conservation of yew: nursery propagation as a strategy for the conservation of native plant heritage. António Ferreira and Laura Saloio, Instituto da Conservaçao da Naturaleza e das Florestas, ICNF.
The next event of the project will be held tomorrow 27th May on "Genetic diversity and conservation of the yew (Taxus baccata) in the Iberian Peninsula" and is aimed at agents and entities involved in the subject of the seminar and the general public. General information about the event and the full programme are available here: Information and programme