The partners in Castilla y León, the Junta de Castilla y León and Cesefor, are about to finalise the monitoring of the conservation and improvement actions in several of the stands characterised within the LIFE BACCATA project.
Last August we had the presence of the arboriculture expert Christopher John Knapman in the province of León. The aim of Christopher's visit was to study and assess the condition of monumental yew trees such as the Yew of San Critóbal in San Estéban de Valdueza (Ponferrada) or the Yew of Nocedo de Cabrera (Castrillo de Cabrera).
The culture of the yew is very broad and practically all the peoples who have lived with it have considered it a sacred tree, with a multitude of traditions and myths, and an extraordinarily deep-rooted yew culture, a contribution of astonishing richness and diversity to the intangible heritage.
The Project-based exhibition continues travelling across Gipuzkoa. It stayed at the Parketxe de Pagoeta from March to September 2020 and, despite restrictions, it was visited by some 3,000 visitors during this period. Then the exhibition landed in Lizarrusti, the Parketxe of Aralar where it was visited by more than 2,000 visitors until February.
Final touches (replacing oddly some plants that did not survive and reconfiguring the fence) were put in place successfully despite weather conditions.
To further this effort, the Diputación Foral of Gipuzkoa has been working in the Nature Park and the Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation (SAC) to date.
By preventing herbivores from entering, we aim to promote the germination of yew seeds produced by nearby specimens which may grow to a prominent size.
The Exhibition was moved from the Pagoeta Nature Park, where it remained since March 2020, –when COVID-19 restrictions were more severe.– It can be visited there up to February 2021 and then it will be moved to the interested municipalities nearby Aralar and Pagoetaat Nature Parks.
In the past June, improvement and conservation work to yew woods at the Special Area of Conservation (SAC), namely ‵Fuentes Carrionas and Fuente Cobre-Palencia Mountain’, located in Cervera de Pisuerga, in the Palencia Province, by the Cesefor Foundation (a partner to the LIFE BACCATA Project), relying on the collaborati